Many people do not know what acne really is, they only know that pimple is one kind of skin disorder that affect people around the world. Especially for teenager, they confused when spots appear on their face. Common questions are how can this be happened, how to cure acne and bring back the smoothness. If you suffered this type of problem, then do not worry and quickly starts some acne treatment. You are not alone because researches said that 80% of population suffered this condition. Our skin consists of pores which function is as a duct, there are also sebaceous glands, which are produce oil called sebum. The sebum transports the shed cells out of the body through the pore, if the duct blocked, the sebum starts amass thus develop pimple.
Before it appeared on your face and make you confused on how to cure acne, you should do some prevention to control the cause. Healthy lifestyle can help you control the condition of the oil so that can reduce the risk of developing whiteheads. Changing our lifestyle help a lot, you can start it by changing your habit in eating and do some exercises. A healthy lifestyle not only for prevention, but also succeeded when applied in acne cure. Experts said that if you want to have an effective treatment, you have to change your habit and you will have the benefit of healthy skin as the result.
Do not waste your time searching product that has the risk of harming your skin, change your way of life and then you will understand how to cure acne naturally. Healthy lifestyle covers all things you do every day, for example the food that you eat. Foods that contain high fiber are good for you, too many carbohydrates and sugar affects in high insulin production, thus make the hormones become excessive. The result is a lot of sebum will be excreted by the skin and the risk of suffering a skin disorder is increasing. The routine exercises also help a lot, it will make the body metabolism works correctly and excessive sebum can be prevented.
Another simple thing to do is wash your face every day regularly, do it minimum five times per day with fresh water without using any kind of soap. This will clean your face from dirt and reduce the risk of the sebum being clogged. How to cure acne through healthy lifestyle is easy to do, you only need to do it every day because the result is not appeared in a day. But within few weeks you will get the result of a clear and healthy skin without using any kind of drug.